Choosing the Right Domain Name

1. Your Domain Name Should Be Your Website Name

Naming your website after your domain name, and vice versa, may seem obvious , but you”ll be surprised to know that not every website is named after the domain name, even when the webmaster owns that domain name. This could prove to be a costly mistake that is easy to avoid if you know the pitfalls.

Naming a site after its domain name is important, for the simple reason that when people think of your website, they”ll think of it by name. If your name is also your URL, they”ll automatically know where to go. For example, when people think of AdultChamber, they don”t have to wonder what URL to type into their browser to get there. The name of the site is also the URL.

Imagine if your company is called “college coeds at home”, but somebody else owns that domain name. Instead, you have to register something like, or What happens with customers assume that they can just type in and get to your website? They”ll wind up at a competitor”s website and you”ll lose the sale.

In the modern world of the the adult industry, where people automatically turn to the web for entertainment, it pays to have a domain name that will reflect your content. Moreover, it will make it easier for your customers and other webmasters to remember your site if the name reflects your content. There are only so many “Hot horny milf” domain names to go around. Try to be creative and unique. In the instance of turnkey situations, you”ll be able to choose exactly the content you want and you”ll be able to have a point of reference to choose your domain.

What if you cannot get the domain name of your choice? It really depends on how committed you are to that particular name. If so, you might simply want to try to buy over the domain name from the current owner. Check up the “whois” information for the domain, and contact that person listed to see if they”re willing to sell it. You probably should be aware that they are likely to want to charge a higher fee than you”ll normally get when buying new domains (assuming they want to sell it in the first place).

2. Generic Names Or Brand Name Domains?

I know that a number of people seem to think that your domain name really must be some generic name like “” if you are selling cars. Witness, for example, how much money those generic names are being sold for. Although, if you were looking for a car, you”ll probably already have some brands in mind, and you”re more like to try out things like or rather than just

To put it in perspective, there are a number of reasons why generic terms like and aren”t on the tip of your tongue, but you may have definitely heard names like,,, They have not only built a website, but a brand name as well.

3. Long or Short Domain Names?

Domain names can be of any length up to 256 characters. You don”t have to settle for an obscure domain name like when what you mean is

Having said that, there appears to be some disagreement about whether a long or short domain name is better.

Some argue that shorter domain names are easier to remember, easier to type and far less susceptible to mistakes: for example, “collegecoeds” is easier to remember and less prone to typos than “”.

Others argue that a longer domain name is usually easier on the human memory – for example, “” is a sequence of unrelated letters that is difficult to remember and type correctly, whereas if we expand it to its long form, “”, we are more likely to remember the domain name.

Some of these arguments are actually academic. It”s increasingly difficult to get short meaningful domain names. As of this posting, all 3, 4, and most 5 letter domain names are already taken.

Long domain names that have your site keywords in them also have an advantage in that they add value to your search engine optimization.So for example, if your domain name was and it featured content of 80 year old women wearing leather, then you”re going to get penalized for that. We”ll get into search engine optimization later.

4. Hyphenated Names?

Should you get a hyphenated name? There are a few things to consider here:

a. Disadvantage: It”s easy to forget the hyphens when typing a name. Many users are used to typing things like but not They”ll probably leave out the hyphens and wind up at your competitor”s site.

b. Disadvantage: When people recommend your site to their friends verbally, having hyphens in your domain name leads to more potential errors than when the name does not contain hyphens. For example, how do you think your visitors will refer to your site if it is named “”? They might say, “I visited college coeds home alone yesterday. It was fabulous.” Their friends, remembering that comment later, might type into their browsers “”. Oops.

c. Disadvantage: It”s a pain in the ass to type. Enough said.

d. Advantage: Theoretically, search engines can distinguish your keywords better and thus return your site more prominently in search results for those keywords occurring in your domain name .However, if you optimize correctly, this will not be an issue.

e. Advantage: The non-hyphenated form may no longer be available. At least this way, you still get the domain name you want. However, see B for reasons why this could be bad.

5. Plurals, “The”, and “My” Forms of the Domain Name

Very often, if you can”t get the domain name you want, the domain name registrar will suggest alternate forms of the name you typed. For example, if you wanted, and it was taken (of course it is), it might suggest forms like:

and the like, if they were not already taken as well. The question is, should you take them?

My personal opinion is that if you take the “the…” and “my…” forms of the domain name, you must always remember to promote your site with the full form of the name. Otherwise, people are likely to forget to affix the necessary “the” or “my”. For example, what if you registered, you would want to advertise the entire name and not just “”College Coeds Home Alone”.

6. COM, ORG, NET, etc?

One common question r is from people who can”t get the “.com” domain of their choice, but find the “.net”, “.org” or other country-specific top level domains (TLDs) available (like .de, .nu, .sg, etc). Should they try for these?

The answer is not as straightforward as you might think. One thing to be aware of is that the most common domain that people know of is .com. If you registered or .org because the domain name you wanted was taken, and your visitor went instinctively to .com, then you risk losing business. Keep that in mind when choosing which domain extension would work best.